Catching Up With What Has Been Happening in the Last Few Months

The kids of Kominote Ti Fanmi Nou de Diakonos are back in school. Thanks to the generosity of our partners, volunteers, contributors, supporters, new and old, we were able to get them off to a great start for the 2016-2017 School year.

They are ready to tackle those books. Especially Ms. Clodia and Mr. Adison who are attending school for the first time. Watch Out Academic World, the new intellectuals have entered the scene!!!!


In May our children visited MUPANAH, the Haitian national museum and learned more about their history. On the same day, they also took a trip to Parc Leclerc where they got to see different national plants and flowers.

In June our family from Valley Family Church in Kalamazoo Michigan came to visit us and the kids thoroughly enjoyed their presence!

In July of course our annual Art Day Celebration was sensational!

In August we took the children to the country in Miragoine and had an awesome time. They climbed trees to pick fresh avocados, cherries and other fruits.